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- The Pursuit Newsletter Issue #14
The Pursuit Newsletter Issue #14
Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Pursuit Newsletter Issue #14
Welcome to the 14th issue of The Pursuit Newsletter!
As a loyal subscriber to The Pursuit Newsletter…
We as a team wanted to start our newsletter today by talking about the power of FOCUS, and how it applies to building your newsletter business.
Consider this one question right now…
Are you fully “all in” on making your newsletter business goals a reality this year?
Take a moment right now to reflect on your answer.
If you find that you need help getting back on track…
This one question below may help you refocus your mind on what matters most for your business right now.
The One Question: Where do I want my newsletter business to be 90 days from now, and what needs to be accomplished between now and then to make those outcomes a reality?
Do This: Take the time right now to write out the specific goals you want to achieve in less than 90 days for your newsletter. After you are clear on your goals, write out exactly what you will execute on a consistent basis to make them happen…then take massive action!
We know you already know this but…
Don’t commit to building a newsletter business if you are going to allow yourself to get distracted by shiny objects.
If you need help with any of this, please feel free to reach out to us by replying to this email.
So with all of that being said…
Before we jump into the rest of the content for today, there is one final reminder that we want to make sure that you are aware of which is…
If you haven’t officially “started” or “launched” your newsletter business yet, click here to give us the opportunity to help you get your newsletter started on the right foot!
Let’s get to work!
To Your Newsletter’s Success,
The Pursuit Newsletter Team
P.S. Are You A New Reader? Click Here Read This Important Info
Table Of Contents
Your Personal Newsletter Business Journey (A Question)
Rapid Fire Newsletter Business Building Tip
Newsletter Business Traffic Generation Tips
Newsletter Business Content Creation Tips
Growing Your Newsletter Using YouTube
Final Reminders From The Team
What Is The Status Of Your Newsletter Business?
Are you in the middle of Starting, Building, Launching, Growing, Monetizing or Scaling your newsletter business to the next level?
We have created an exclusive page for you on our website that will help you go from where you are to where you want to be.
Don’t wait another second, click the link below now!
Is The Proper “Beginning & End of The Quarter” Execution System in Place to Support Your Newsletter’s Growth?
Read this section if you are serious about executing one specific thing in your business right now that will have a direct impact on your media company’s growth in 30 days or less. This section will always be in our newsletter (until further notice) because we as a team will always be committed to providing you with what you need right now to quickly take action and create positive results.
In this previous issue of The Pursuit Newsletter (inside the “Rapid Fire Newsletter Business Building Tip” section of that newsletter’s issue), we covered the 4 important systems that you need to have in your business, so that it runs like a well-oiled machine through the entire year.
With that being said…
For today’s “Rapid Fire Newsletter Business Building Tip” we are going to cover the third system that needs to be created in your business if you are serious about reaching your newsletter business goals quickly.
By flushing out this one system for you in detail, and by providing you a clear way to think about creating this system for your business, it will allow you to reach your newsletter business goals faster and more effectively.
To refresh your memory…
System #3: “The Activity At The Beginning & End of The Quarter”
This is the system you need to build in your business that is triggered:
Part #1: During the first week of the first month of the quarter
Part #2: In the last week of the last month of the quarter
During the first and last week of the quarter, you can expect to have specific tasks that make sense for you to do, so that you can keep your business running like a well-oiled machine.
When it comes to deciding what these specific actions are…
You must make sure that they are in alignment with keeping the business on track while also giving you and your team what they need to keep making progress on a consistent basis.
Commit to your future success right now now by investing the necessary amount of time to create and implement this third system into your business.
Think about this for a second:
What needs to be done for your newsletter business at the beginning of the month in the first week of the quarter, and at the end of the month in the last week of the quarter to keep things on track and moving forward towards your intended outcome that you are working towards on a quarterly and yearly basis?
When it comes to answering that specific question for your business, only you can come up with the specific system (and process) that needs to be created between you and your team.
This is the “type of thinking” that should be the “starting point” when creating this specific system in your newsletter business at the beginning and end of each quarter.
Do This…
Now it is the time to give you the “steps to execute” so that you can get to work, and so you can finish the first version of this system for your operation.
To create the “sequence of action” for your newsletter business in the first week of the first quarter, and last week of the month during the end of the quarter, here is what you need to do:
KEY: Decide right now that this specific system that you will follow and implement at the beginning and end of every quarter will be one of the systems in your company that will rarely ever change (due to the nature of running and managing a business on a quarterly basis).
What this means is that…
At the beginning and end of every single quarter…
You will be doing and executing the same things (relatively speaking) regardless of how big or small your operation is.
Because this system is implemented every quarter, and because the “variability” of what you do inside of this system is relatively small, it should be one of the “pillar systems” that helps your company stay on track no matter what!
Once you approach the creation of this system for your business with this specific mindset, below are the steps we recommend that you follow when customizing the system to your personal business operation.
Step #1: Pull out some paper that you will use to brainstorm. Make one sheet of paper be for the beginning of the quarter during the first week, and one sheet can be for the final week of the quarter.
Step #2: Brainstorm everything that you believe needs to be looked at, addressed, cleaned up (and everything in-between) at the beginning of the first week of the quarter, and in the final week of the end of the quarter.
Special Note for Step #2: While completing step #2, you will find and make decisions about what makes sense to execute at the beginning and end of the quarter. You will also find during the time you are brainstorming that you will continually go back and forth between both pieces of paper (beginning/end) as you allow your mind to think about everything that makes sense to include in this system overall.
Step #3: After brainstorming everything for each sheet of paper, then it is time to finalize the specific activities that you will decide on for the system.
Step #4: Begin the process of implementing and executing this system into your business so you can start keeping things on track on a quarterly basis.
Here are a couple questions to think about during your “brainstorming” time as you invest the time to figure out what needs to be done at the beginning and end of the quarter.
Brainstorming Question #1
What specific metrics do you want to take note of for your business?
Brainstorming Question #2
What specific meetings do you want to have with your team, and what do you want to talk about during those meetings?
Brainstorming Question #3
What ways do you want to use this time during the beginning and end of the quarter to revisit your 1/3/5 year goals for your business with your team, and what specifically do you want to have come out of this time on a continual basis?
Final Takeaway When Building System #3 For Your Business
As you begin to make progress in your newsletter business…
Be open to optimizing your “beginning” and “end” of the quarter system only when it is necessary as you continually stay on track with the other systems that you have already created to run and manage your business (system #1 and system #2).
If you need any help or guidance to create this system for your newsletter business, hit “reply” on this email so we can figure out the best way to help you.
Are You Overlooking This Online Media Website That Could Quickly and Effectively Grow Your Newsletter Subscriber List in Less Time Using Paid Media?
Read this section if you are serious about executing one specific thing in your business right now that will have a direct impact on your media company’s website traffic in 30 days or less.
Do You Know About Reddit Advertising?
If you are looking for another place to run effective paid media campaigns that will grow your subscriber list…
Reddit Ads could be a great place to allocate a portion your marketing budget to attract more qualified (and targeted) subscribers into your list.
As you may or may not know…
Reddit is like a giant “content supermarket” for the masses.
Inside of the Reddit website you have what are called “subreddits”.
Here’s a visual for you to make it easy to understand…
If the Reddit homepage was the front door to the “supermarket”…
A “subreddit” would be considered an “aisle” inside of the “supermarket”...
In each “aisle” of the “supermarket” you will find 2 specific things.
Thing #1: Content pieces (videos/articles/images) posted in the subreddit that are related to the specific topic of the subreddit
Thing #2: A community of people talking about the content posted in the specific subreddit via posts and comments
The beauty of these “aisles” (subreddits) on Reddit is that you as an advertiser can place targeted advertising that speaks directly to the interest of those consuming content in that “aisle” (subreddit) of the Reddit website.
For example…
If you are building a specific newsletter that speaks to those who are interested in “stock market investing”…
You can find the specific subreddits on Reddit that are related to that specific interest, and then place an ad in all the specific subreddits talking about stock market investing driving them to your newsletter sign up page.
As a newsletter business owner looking to attract more relevant subscribers into their subscriber list, this could be a goldmine for you if you setup and run your paid media campaign effectively.
Do This…
Step #1: Go to Ads.Reddit.com and create your advertising account
Step #2: Do some research on the platform to figure out what subreddits would make sense for you to advertise in
Step #3: Plan out your ad, and make whatever creative you need to create before setting up and running your campaign
Step #4: Follow the prompts to set up your first campaign
Step #5: Analyze results
Step #6: Optimize campaign and stick with it until it works well for you
Go and take some action, and let us know how this strategy works for you.
Are You Using This Type Of “What” Content On Your Newsletter Website To Attract The Right People Into Your Newsletter List?
Read this section if you are serious about executing one specific thing in your business right now that will have a direct impact on your media company’s content that is produced in 30 days or less.
What is “What” Content On A Newsletter Business Site?
As a newsletter business owner…
You already know that there are many different types of content you can create on your website to attract the best newsletter subscribers for your business.
In a previous newsletter issue, we talked about “Why” content.
There are many ways to create “Why” content on your website, and in that previous issue we showed you how to think about creating this kind of content to attract the right people in to your subscriber list.
In today’s newsletter issue, we are going to talk about “What” content.
There are multiple different types of “What” content that you can create for your audience (website).
In the coming weeks, we will be highlighting some of the most powerful “What” content angles and hooks to inspire you to create amazing “What” content for your audience over the long run.
The specific content framework that we will share with you is what we like to refer to as “What” content that highlights specific “Resources” that you know your niche would get value from.
3 “What” Content Headlines That Highlight specific “Resources”
Headline Example #1: Are These 3 Research Tools Part of Your Market Research Process?
Headline Example #2: The 3 Best Places Online To Get Content Ideas For Your E-Commerce Business
Headline Example #3: The Top 3 Books To Read About Growing an Online Business
As you can see from reading each one of these specific headlines…
You will notice that each one of the headlines themselves create a “gap” in your knowledge that you want to fill (and you can’t help yourself but to click on it if you were in one of those specific niches where those headlines would be relevant).
Use these specific headline examples (and your own creativity) to come up with specific pieces of content for your newsletter business website that will help you attract the best subscribers possible.
Let’s talk about implementing and executing this strategy into your business…
Do This…
Step #1: Decide on the 3-5 pieces of “What” content with a “Resource” hook that you want to create on your newsletter business website.
Step #2: Create the content for your newsletter business website
Step #3: Decide how you will promote the newly created content
Step #4: Analyze the results
Step #5: Figure out what is next given the feedback that you received
Keep in mind…
Building content on your website to attract SEO traffic is the “long game” that takes time to grow and build over time. Using this content hook and strategy to drive top and bottom line results for your business will serve you over the long run!
Have fun creating this type of content on your newsletter business site, and please let us know if (or when) you plan on implementing this strategy! Feel free to email back an article you created on your site because of this content section in the newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Process of Creating Titles & Content For YouTube Videos On Your Specific Newsletter Business YouTube Channel
Read this section if you are serious about using YouTube to create a continual stream of targeted traffic into your newsletter website. This section will be always included in our newsletter (until further notice) to provide you with what you need right now if you are serious about using YouTube for your business. Today’s content in this section builds off of what was published last time.
Did You Read Our Last Newsletter Talking About Using YouTube?
The last time we talked about using YouTube to grow your newsletter business (inside of this specific section of that newsletter issue)…
We focused on taking every single one your chosen keywords and phrases and searching them in YouTube to see what specific pieces of content show up on the YouTube platform in the niche.
By executing this step, it gave you a good idea about the landscape of content (competitors) you will be creating content next to, and also gave you a few potential video ideas to create in the future.
In today’s step of the process, we take it one step further…
After getting a really good idea about the type of videos that typically show up for the specific keywords and phrases you are targeting, it is now time to really nail down some specific video ideas that you will create for your newsletter business’s YouTube channel.
When writing down these video ideas…
You will start with writing down the exact title of the video first before you start thinking about the creation and optimization of the video in the platform.
Now that you have a good idea about the content showing up for your selected keywords and specific phrases for your niche…
It is now time to execute this next phase of the process.
Do This…
Step #1: Take a look at your notes that you took in the previous step, and write down a proposed video title idea that you believe will be relevant and grab your niche to want to watch what you create.
Step #2: Once you write down this title, ask yourself: “How could I beef up this title to make it more desirable for my market?” Write down any modifications to this headline (that has your keyword or phrase inside of it)
Step #3: Take a look at the same title again, and ask yourself: “Is there an appropriate way I could change up the ‘angle’ of the video for a new potential video that would still use the keyword or phrase I am targeting?”
Step #4: Use every single keyword and phrase you are focused on targeting, and focus on creating and flushing out every possible video title idea that makes sense (where you know you could create content under the title you just wrote down)
Step #5: After you believe you have exhausted every single video title possibility, look through the list again and edit it down as needed to get a good “chunk” of video titles to work with before you start creating the content for your channel.
Final Reminder…
Remember to make sure that the titles you are creating will be focused and targeted to the niche you are speaking to with your newsletter. You want to make sure the relevancy of the video title and the keyword phrase being used makes sense for the market of people you are trying to attract.
If you have any challenges executing this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need some help gaining the clarity you need before moving to the next step.
Final Reminders For Newsletter Issue #14
Read this section if you want to stay on top of the key updates that directly impact you as a loyal subscriber to The Pursuit Newsletter. The specific reminders in this section will be changed and modified every week, and will always be relevant to you on your journey to starting, building, growing, monetizing and scaling your newsletter into an amazingly successful media company.
Final Reminder #1: Thursday March 14, 2024 is when the next issue of The Pursuit Newsletter will be sent - Make sure to set up a calendar reminder on your phone. (We are currently sending our newsletter on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. If that changes we will let you know.)
Final Reminder #2: We are still seeking a founding advertiser for The Pursuit Newsletter. All information about this can be found here in the “P.S. section” of the advertising page of our website
Final Reminder #3: If you have any issues or challenges implementing or executing anything in our newsletter today, please let us know by replying to this email
Final Reminder #4: If you need a direct link to the previous issue of The Pursuit Newsletter click here
Final Reminder #5: Don’t forget to read this page if you are a brand new subscriber!
See You In The Next Issue & Make It A Great Day!
The Pursuit Newsletter Team