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Start Here With The Pursuit Newsletter
Are You Ready To Get Started? Let’s Do It!
The “Start Here” Page Table Of Contents
Welcome To The “Start Here” Page!
What’s Your Current Experience Level?
The Pursuit Newsletter Path #1 - “I Am A Total Newbie…”
The Pursuit Newsletter Path #2 - “I’m Building A Newsletter…”
Is There Anything Else I Need To Know About The Pursuit Newsletter?
Welcome To The “Start Here” Page!
This “Start Here” Page Sets You Up For Success!
Dear Friend,
Welcome to the most important page on our website.
Please make sure that you review everything below in detail.
The “Start Here” Page has been setup in a very specific way.
What that means is that…
When you review this page in detail, and follow the path that is best for you (given your personal situation)…
You will be able to start working on your newsletter business with the clarity and confidence that you need, so that you can take forward-moving action without hesitating about anything as you start the process of building your business.
To take this statement one step further, we here at The Pursuit Newsletter always like to say…
“The ‘Start Here’ page on our site allows every website visitor, and loyal subscriber…to get the most amount of value from our platform in the shortest time possible.”
We as a team stand by that promise, and have done everything we can on our end to make this page as valuable as possible for you.
The last thing we want to do is waste your time!
Let’s get to work!
As a team…
We look forward to helping you become our next success story as you focus on utilizing our platform to help you with starting, building, growing and scaling your newsletter business to success!
As always…
If you have any questions at all, or if you run into any challenges, please feel free to reach out to us so we can help you resolve any issues that arise.
-The Pursuit Newsletter Team
What’s Your Current Experience Level?
What Kind Of Knowledge or Experience Do You Currently Have With Building A Newsletter Business?
Before you start your newsletter business…
It is important that you are clear about where you are currently starting out (knowledge wise) as someone who is focused on building a successful newsletter business.
This is the first step for you to take when using The Pursuit Newsletter platform.
Below There Are Two Specific Places You Can Start Your Journey
#1 “I Am A Total Newbie…” | #2 “I’m Building A Newsletter…” |
If this page is ever updated in the future, and if you are already subscribed to The Pursuit Newsletter, we will make sure to let you know about any changes to this page via email and on our YouTube channel.
So…if you haven’t subscribed to the newsletter yet, get it done now.
The Pursuit Newsletter Path #1
Level #1 - “I Am A Total Newbie…”
If you are a total “Newbie” to the newsletter business industry…
By clicking the link above…
You will get instant access to the “Start + Launch Content Library” which is the absolute best way for you to get started with our website as a total “newbie” in this type of business.
On The “Start + Launch Content Library” You Will Learn:
What A Newsletter Business Is (it will be easy to understand)
How to Start a Newsletter Business From Scratch (worth it)
How to Launch Your Newsletter Business (you’ll love this)
The Content on The “Start + Launch Content Library”…
Has been written in a very detailed “Step-By-Step” manner
Is set up in a way that delivers the value we know you need right now at the beginning of your journey
Will help you efficiently execute what needs to be done (as a brand new newsletter business owner) with total confidence
Note From The Team: We know that 80% or more of our website visitors will fall into the “Level #1” category. This is why we put this section first on the “Start Here” page before taking time to address the visitors who have already started (or who are currently building) a newsletter business. Even if you are already building a newsletter, it may also add value to you to still go through the “Start+Launch Content Library” to make sure that all of your bases are covered as you continue to build and grow your newsletter.
The Pursuit Newsletter Path #2
Level #2 - “I’m Building A Newsletter…”
As an individual who is actively building a newsletter business…
It’s important that we as a team take the necessary amount of time right now to understand where you currently are with your business, before we provide you with any guidance about what to do next…so you can get to the next level.
We have figured out a relatively easy way to do this, so you are able to get what you need from our website in the most efficient way possible.
In the next section below…
You will see different “Newsletter Business Owner Types” that describe certain newsletter business owners at all different stages of their newsletter business.
What you need to do right now is:
Figure out what “Newsletter Business Owner Type” describes you
Follow the recommended actions for that type of business owner
What “Newsletter Business Owner Type” Are You?
Below we have outlined the different “Newsletter Business Owner Types” that describe newsletter business owners at different stages in their business.
Step #1: Take the time right now to figure out which “Newsletter Business Owner Type” best describes you
Step #2: Follow the “Recommended Action” for the specific “type” that most aligns with your current situation
Newsletter Business Owner Type # 1
This newsletter business owner is the one who is in the beginning stages of starting their newsletter business (but they haven’t officially launched their business yet).
Key Classification: You have STARTED but have not had a LAUNCH DAY yet.
Key Variables For “Type #1”
Variable #1: You have started the work to build your newsletter business
Variable #2: You haven’t launched your newsletter business yet
Our Assumptions About Your Current Position
Assumption #1: You are still working on everything that needs to be done
Assumption #2: You still need guidance to execute your launch day
Assumption #3: You still need guidance to execute your launch week
Recommended Action To Take Right Now On Our Website
Advice: Follow everything in the “Start + Launch Content Library”
Click Here to Visit the “Start + Launch Content Library” Now!
Newsletter Business Owner Type #2
This newsletter business owner below has launched their newsletter, but does not have everything in place that they need right now to begin monetizing it.
Key Classification: You have LAUNCHED but have not MONETIZED yet.
Key Variables For “Type #2”
Variable #1: You have launched your newsletter business
Variable #2: You are not monetizing your newsletter yet
Our Assumptions About Your Current Position
Assumption #1: You do not have at least 5,000 newsletter subscribers
Recommended Action To Take Right Now On Our Website
Advice: Follow everything in the “Grow + Scale Content Library” that is related to getting your newsletter subscriber list to 5,000+ newsletter subscribers (after your launch day and launch week).
Click Here to Visit the “Grow + Scale Content Library”
Newsletter Business Owner Type #3
This newsletter business owner has everything they need to start monetizing their newsletter because they recently crossed the key 5,000+ newsletter subscriber mark.
Key Point: Most advertisers that will place ads in a newsletter want to see that the newsletter itself has at least 5,000+ newsletter subscribers.
Key Classification: You have MONETIZATION REQUIREMENTS but have not OFFICIALLY MONETIZED yet.
Key Variables For “Type #3”
Variable #1: You have launched your newsletter business
Variable #2: You are not monetizing your newsletter yet
Our Assumptions About Your Current Position
Assumption #1: You have at least 5,000 newsletter subscribers
Assumption #2: You are ready to reach out to advertisers
Recommended Action To Take Right Now On Our Website
Advice: At this moment on our website, we don’t have the things you need to currently serve you, but if you reach out to us, and let us know what you currently need right now, it will allow us to start the process of creating the kind of content that will help you in the best way possible.
The email newsletter we send will help you more right now before we are able to create the articles on our site that directly address the challenges you are facing.
Looking Forward: The content that will be created for you soon will focus on (and assume) that you already have over 5,000 newsletter subscribers. It will also assume that you are now ready to effectively start monetizing your newsletter business by reaching out to advertisers!
Newsletter Business Owner Type #4
This newsletter business owner is starting to create success, and is focused on really scaling their business beyond themselves as their monthly revenue continues to increase.
Key Classification: You have LAUNCHED and MONETIZED (starting)
Key Variables For “Type #4”
Variable #1: You launched your newsletter business
Variable #2: You have generated some revenue from selling ads
Our Assumptions About Your Current Position
Assumption #1: You want your newsletter list past 10,000+ subscribers
Assumption #2: You want to start thinking about hiring team members
Assumption #3: You want to generate more monthly revenue
Recommended Action To Take Right Now On Our Website
Advice: At this moment on our website, we don’t have the things you need to currently serve you, but if you reach out to us, and let us know what you currently need right now, it will allow us to start the process of creating the kind of content that will help you in the best way possible.
The email newsletter we send will help you more right now before we are able to create the articles on our site that directly address the challenges you are facing.
Looking Forward: The content that will be created for you soon will focus on helping you begin the process of scaling your business up with more revenue and team members.
Newsletter Business Owner Type #5
This newsletter business owner is at the point of really trying to figure out what is next given the current state of their business. There are many different directions they can go after they reach this point in their business.
Key Classification: You have MONETIZED (established) and have a TEAM
Key Variables For “Type #5”
Variable #1: You launched your newsletter business
Variable #2: You are generating a substantial monthly revenue
Variable #3: Your team is between 1-5 people (or more)
Our Assumptions About Your Current Position
Assumption #1: You have over 10,000+ newsletter subscribers
Assumption #2: You need help creating “What’s Next” for your business
Recommended Action To Take Right Now On Our Website
Advice: At this moment on our website, we don’t have the things you need to currently serve you, but if you reach out to us and let us know what you currently need right now, it will allow us to start the process of creating the kind of content that will help you in the best way possible.
The email newsletter we send will help you more right now before we are able to create the articles on our site that directly address the challenges you are facing.
Looking Forward: By investing our time to read what you send us, it will allow us to understand where you are and what you need. We look forward to hearing from you, so we can create the best content possible that will add the most amount of value to your business.
Is There Anything Else I Need To Know About The Pursuit Newsletter?
Everything Else That You Need To Know
Actions You Need To Take Right Now
#1 - Subscribe: If you haven’t already subscribed to The Pursuit Newsletter, make sure you sign up now.
#2 - Setup This Phone Reminder: The Pursuit Newsletter is sent on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Set up a phone reminder to let you know, so you don’t miss out reading a future newsletter from us.
#3 - Follow Us On Social Media: Be sure to follow us on our social media profiles for exclusive content that will help you reach your goals faster.
Click The Links Below To Follow Each Account
Important Reminders To Remember
#4 - Need Help With Something?: Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
#5 - Access To Newsletters On Website: The first 4 newsletters we publish for The Pursuit Newsletter create the foundation for your future as a newsletter business owner. We recommend that you read them in detail below!
Here are the links to the first 4 newsletters on our website below:
#6 - Are Your Friends Asking Questions?: If any of your friends are asking you questions about your newsletter business, and they want to know how this kind of business works (in a general sense), send them to this article…
#7 - More Great Content is Coming: We launched this website at the beginning of September 2023. As time moves forward, expect to see more valuable content published on our website over time as we continue to make progress as a team. The content published to our site will be focused on helping you grow and scale your business into what you know is possible.
#8 - Advertising On The Pursuit Newsletter: If you or someone you know wants to advertise in our newsletter, click here to read our advertising page.
Important Links For You To Access
#9 - Newsletter Archive: If you are looking for a specific newsletter issue, you can find it here on the Newsletter Archive
#10 - Website Content Archive: If you are looking for a specific piece of content that we published on our website, you can find it here on the Website Content Archive
#11 - First Things First!: Here is the link to our “First Things First” page that we recommend every new subscriber read after they sign up for our email newsletter.
#12 - About Us Page: Here is the link to our about us page
#13 - FAQ Page: Here is the link to our FAQ page
#14 - “Start + Launch” Content Library: If you are just starting out in your newsletter business, and you haven’t officially launched your newsletter yet, make sure you go to the “Start + Launch Content Library” below
#15 - “Grow + Scale” Content Library: If you are past your launch day, and need specific pieces of content to help you grow and scale your business, make sure you go to the “Grow + Scale Content Library” below