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- 3 Ways To Set Up The “Sign Up Process” For Your Newsletter
3 Ways To Set Up The “Sign Up Process” For Your Newsletter
Read this if you need help setting up the sign up process for your newsletter when visitors "opt-in" to receive your email newsletter in the future.

There Are Many Ways To Setup Your “Newsletter Sign Up Process”
Have you ever signed up for an email newsletter before?
Do you remember the “sign up process” that you were taken through after filling out your email address in the box and hitting the “Subscribe” button?
Even if you don’t remember the process you went through when signing up for a newsletter that you like, it is important to know that setting up this process for your newsletter business is something you shouldn’t take lightly.
Your newsletter sign up process is one of the first things that a new subscriber sees and experiences when interacting with your newsletter business. Making sure that this one experience adds value to them, and makes them engaged is so crucial for the future success of your newsletter.
In this article, we are going to cover the 4 key variables to consider when creating your custom sign up process, and then show you 3 different ways you can set up the best sign up process for your brand new subscribers.
There are many ways to think about the creation of your newsletter sign up process, and hopefully by the end of the article you will have a good idea about the experience you want to create for your future subscribers and fans who will always look forward to your newsletter each time it is sent.
Before you invest the time into creating the “sign up process" for your newsletter business, make sure that have read and completed the steps in the articles linked below! Skipping ahead won’t help you here, so get this stuff done for your business before moving forward!
Now that you are ready to jump into getting this important part of your newsletter business done, let’s get to work.
Table Of Contents
The 4 Key Variables To Consider When Setting Up Your Newsletter Business “Sign Up Process”
3 Ways You Can Create An Effective “Sign Up Process” For Your Newsletter Business
It’s Time To Get To Work Creating Your Newsletter Sign Up Process That Will Delight Your Future Subscribers

There Are Some Key Variables That You Must Know When Setting This Up
The 4 Key Variables To Consider When Setting Up Your Newsletter Business “Sign Up Process”
Before you can have a good understanding about how you want to set up the sign up process, you must first know what the specific “variables” are that you can tweak and manipulate when setting up the best possible sign up process for a new subscriber who joins your newsletter list.
By having a good idea about what is possible with each variable that is involved, it will help you choose and create the best possible experience for new and future subscribers over the long-run.
#1 Variable: Single Opt-In VS Double Opt-In
When creating the sign up process for your email newsletter, you have a choice to make your sign up process a single opt-in process or a double opt-in process.
Single Opt-In - When someone signs up for your newsletter, the person is automatically added to your newsletter list.
Double Opt-In - When someone signs up for your newsletter, the person is sent an email to their email inbox where they must click a link in an email to confirm their subscription. If they don’t click that link, they won’t be added to your newsletter list.
When it comes to making this choice for your newsletter sign up process, we recommend that you put yourself in the shoes of your new subscribers and make the decision that you believe will work best for you and them.
Historically from past data, from other newsletter business owners, they will tell you that their “Double Opt-In” subscriber lists are more engaged.
With that being said, please keep this in mind…
By making the choice to go with a “Double Opt-In” sign up process, you run the risk of creating the situation where a lot of people may fill out your sign up form but won’t confirm their subscription.
Seeing all of those potential subscribers in your newsletter business software system sitting in “limbo” may frustrate you at times, especially if you are just getting started, so make sure you choose the opt-in process that you believe will be best for your business and your future subscribers.
#2 Variable: Redirect VS No Redirect
When creating the sign up process for your email newsletter, you also have a choice to keep the new subscriber on the sign up page after hitting the “Subscribe” button, or be able to send them to another page after they have submitted their email.
Redirect - After a new subscriber hits the “Subscribe” button, they will be sent to a brand new page with whatever information you want them to see
No Redirect - After a new subscriber hits the “Subscribe” button, they will stay on the current page where a “Success Message” shows up (or not).
When it comes to making this choice for your newsletter sign up process, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of your brand new subscriber and think about the step-by-step process you want your brand new person to go through.
With that being said, please keep this in mind…
The experience you create on the front-end with your newsletter subscriber will definitely influence the engagement rate of that subscriber in the future. Make sure you create the experience you want using this variable as effectively as possible no matter what industry or niche your newsletter serves.
#3 Variable: Welcome Email VS No Welcome Email
When creating the sign up process for your email newsletter, you have the choice of sending a brand new subscriber a welcome email or not.
Welcome Email - After a new subscriber is officially added to your newsletter, they receive an email with whatever content you choose.
No Welcome Email - After a new subscriber is officially added to your newsletter, they don’t receive anything until you manually send the next newsletter to the subscriber list.
When it comes to making this choice for your newsletter, again it is important that you put yourself in the shoes of your future subscribers and think about the experience you want them to have after they sign up for your newsletter. If it makes sense for you to write a welcome email after they join your newsletter list, then make it happen!
With that being said, please keep this in mind…
When you choose to create a welcome email for every new subscriber who adds themselves to your newsletter, it gives you an effective way to engage with them when they are most interested in what you are doing. There are so many ways to think about using a welcome email which you will see as you work your way through the rest of this article.
#4 Variable: Welcome Email CTA VS No Welcome Email CTA
When creating the sign up process for your email newsletter, and if you choose to set up a welcome email message for all new official subscribers, you have the choice of setting up another call to action in that email for the brand new subscriber that they can act on if they choose (or not).
Welcome Email Call To Action (CTA) - After a subscriber officially joins your list, they will automatically receive an email from you with a specific call to action in that message. You choose to do this because you want them to continue building the relationship with you on the front end by taking the next desired action that is in alignment with your newsletter business goals.
No Welcome Email (CTA) - After a subscriber officially joins your list, they will only receive an email from you welcoming them to the newsletter without a call to action inside of that message.
When it comes to making this choice for your newsletter, we know that we sound like a broken record, but you must put yourself in the shoes of your future subscribers and think about if they would like to have something like that or not.
With that being said, please keep this in mind…
If you do choose to send a welcome message to brand new subscribers, the next thing you should ask yourself is, “What do I want my brand new subscriber to do next?” This will help you figure out what CTA you want to include in that welcome message from the start.
Now it’s time to take each one of these variables you just learned about, and create a sign up process that works for you and your newsletter business!

Let’s Create The Sign Up Process That Makes Sense For Your Newsletter
3 Ways You Can Create An Effective “Sign Up Process” For Your Newsletter Business
Now that you understand the specific variables involved when creating an effective sign up process for your newsletter business, here are a few ways you can set things up for new subscribers.
Keep in mind that you can take each one of these suggestions below and make them your own given what you know about your market, and what they will expect from you now and in the future.
No matter what setup you choose to go with, make sure that you create a sign up process that inspires new subscribers to look forward to receiving the next issue of your newsletter. That is what matters most in the end.
Option #1: Single Opt-In + Stay On Same Page
For option #1, the experience that you set up for a new subscriber is as simple and straightforward as possible.
Here is how it works:
When a visitor comes to your newsletter business website, and sees your sign up form they will:
Be exposed to your sign up form
Read the copy around your sign up form
Decide they want to subscribe to your newsletter
Put their email address in the subscribe box
Hits the subscribe button (Single Opt-In Being Used)
Stays on the page, and is added to your newsletter list
This is the simplest sign up process possible given all the variables that you are able to work with and manipulate.
Option #2: Single Opt-In + Redirect
For option #2, the experience you set up for a new subscriber has another added step that you will need to create when you compare it to option #1.
Here is how it works:
When a subscriber comes to your newsletter business website, and sees your sign up form they will:
Be exposed to your sign up form
Read the copy around your sign up form
Decide they want to subscribe to your newsletter
Put their email address in the subscribe box
Hit the subscribe button (Single Opt-In Being Used)
Is redirected to another page that you create with content on it
Is added to your newsletter list
The key difference between this sign up process, and the previous sign up process is that you are sending a new subscriber to a landing page after they push a button to join your newsletter list.
Once they are on that landing page, then you get to decide what kind of content you want to have on that page, and what you want them to do next.
Depending on how you want the experience to go for your brand new subscriber will depend the copy that you will have written on that page.
Option #3: Double Opt-In + Redirect + Confirmation Page Success
For option #3, you will use a couple different variables to help your subscriber confirm their subscription, so they can officially be on your newsletter list.
Here is how it works:
When a subscriber comes to your newsletter business website, and sees your sign up form they will:
Be exposed to your sign up form
Read the copy around your sign up form
Decide they will subscribe to your newsletter
Put their email address in the subscribe box
Hit the subscribe button (Double Opt-In Being Used)
Be redirected to a new page instructing them to go to their email to confirm their subscription to your newsletter
Go to their email to find the email they were just sent by your system to confirm their subscription
Open up that email, read the copy and then click the link in that email to confirm their subscription
They officially become a subscriber after they click that link
They are then redirected to a brand new page that you create where you let them know they have officially joined your newsletter list
They read the copy on that page they were just sent to where you will let them know what you want them to do next
This process is a little more involved with a few more steps, but when you get subscribers to jump through all of those hoops, you know that the subscriber wants to be on your list, and is definitely looking forward to receiving your next newsletter.
Again like everything we have been saying and instructing you to do on this website and in this article, make sure that you put yourselves in the shoes of your future subscriber to help you create the best sign up experience possible.
It’s Time To Get To Work Creating Your Newsletter Sign Up Process That Will Delight Your Future Subscribers
Now that you understand the variables involved in creating an effective newsletter sign up process, you are ready to start building and writing the copy you need for your sign up process on your newsletter business website.
The three options we gave you are great setups, but please feel free to use your imagination and variables involved to create a sign up process that is in alignment with the achievement of your newsletter business goals.
With each one of the variables involved when crafting the ideal sign up process for your future subscribers, you now are armed with the information and tools you need to get this part of your newsletter built and completed.
We can’t wait to see what you build for your newsletter sign up process!

Are You Ready To Start Your Newsletter Business?
Now That You Know 3 Ways To Set Up Your “Sign Up Process” For Brand New Subscribers, Now Is The Time To Take Action…
Here at The Pursuit Newsletter, we are focused on serving the “online newsletter business owner” who wants to reach their newsletter business goals as quickly as possible.
The content on our site and in our email newsletter, will absolutely give you the “entrepreneurial edge” you need as you start, build and grow your online newsletter business into what you know it can become.
We Want to Make One Thing Very Clear To You…
If you have never started an online newsletter business before, or if you are currently building or growing an online newsletter business, and you need help getting to the next level…
We recommend that you sign up for our newsletter right now.
The content you will find on our website, and in our email newsletter, will absolutely help you in a major way as you continue your pursuit of being an online newsletter business owner that reaches their goals.
Make it a great day!
-The Pursuit Newsletter Team