“Start + Launch” Content Library

Are You Ready To Start + Launch Your Newsletter Business?

Are You Ready To Start + Launch Your Newsletter Business?

If you are someone who wants to learn more about what a newsletter business is, or if you are someone who is ready to start the process of building your newsletter business, you are in the right place!

Below is a list of the specific articles you need to read right now.

Make sure that you read every single article in order (from top to bottom).

We created this page the way we have, to provide you with the best “step-by-step” instructional experience as possible that will help you effectively implement everything that needs to get done when starting and launching your newsletter business.

As always…

If you have any questions or experience any challenges or issues as you work your way through the content we are one email away. Click here to reach out to us if you need any help or support whatsoever.

Enjoy the journey!

-The Pursuit Newsletter Team

Article #1 (Below): This article gives you the foundational knowledge that you need to understand about a newsletter business.

Note From The Team: After reading that article, do you have an idea about what an online newsletter business is now? Great! Keep reading “Article #2” below to get even more clarity!

Article #2 (Below): This article takes what you read in “Article #1” and flushes out key parts covered in “Article #1”, so that you can get a greater understanding about what a newsletter business is, and how it really works.

Note From The Team: Do you understand why we made you read “Article #1” and “Article #2”? Great! Now, let’s talk about what is really possible with a newsletter business that succeeds! This next article ties everything together so clearly to show you what is really possible…and how you can benefit in a big way!

Article #3 (Below): This article takes everything you read in “Article #1” and “Article #2” and ties it altogether so that you really understand what is possible with a newsletter business.

Note From The Team: Are you excited about the possibilities now? Great! Keep reading, let’s get you into action, so you can start creating success from the beginning!

Article #4 (Below): This article puts your “boat in the water” and starts pushing you forward as a brand new newsletter business owner. The key here is to understand that building a solid foundation for your newsletter takes a lot of thought in the beginning, and is more than just putting up a website with a signup form where you can start collecting email addresses.

Note From The Team: Do you see why we set things up like this on our website? Having articles and resources like this is so valuable for you as a brand new person who is serious about creating a successful newsletter business!

Article #5 (Below): This article helps you start creating the name for your newsletter, and helps you think about everything that is involved in the naming process…depending on where you really want to take your newsletter in the future.

Note From The Team: Aren’t you glad you found our website? Do you finally see the value that we have created for you to start your business on the right foot? Great! Get your newsletter’s name locked up, and then move on to the next article below!

Article #6 (Below): This article takes everything you figured out with your name in “Article #5” and helps you translate that into your domain strategy for your newsletter business.

Note From The Team: Would you have ever thought that it would take this much thinking on the front end of your newsletter business before you actually had to sit down to write your first newsletter? That’s why we are here…to guide you effectively through the process, so nothing falls through the cracks!

Article #7 (Below): This article takes everything you have worked on up to this point between “Article #1” to “Article #6”, and starts teaching you how to pick out the newsletter business software that you will need to run your newsletter business.

Note From The Team: Isn’t it amazing how many things you have to figure out before you actually start driving traffic to your newsletter sign up page? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Word of advice…don’t rush the process of picking the newsletter business software that you will end up using for your business because moving from one newsletter business platform to another could create a total nightmare in the future!

Article #8 (Below): This article helps you create the initial “creative” that you need (at the most basic affordable level) when starting your newsletter business. We believe that you will be happy with how easy this is to complete!

Note From The Team: Don’t you just love how easy it is to create really beautiful stuff using tools like the one we covered in “Article #8”? This tool will be invaluable to you as you continue down the path for your business!

Article #9 (Below): This article helps you to begin the process of figuring out the specific “sign up process” you will create for brand new newsletter subscribers that come into your platform. Make sure you think about setting this up in the short term, and how it will evolve over the long run!

Note From The Team: The best way to figure out this process for your business is to always keep putting yourself in the shoes of your ideal subscriber, and asking yourself what you believe they would need or want. When you do that, you will never create something that is out of alignment with the market you are serving!

Article #10 (Below): This article is the beginning of the newsletter writing journey for you, and will help you figure out how to create the specific “Website Content” experience and “Email Newsletter” experience that you want to create for all of your newsletter subscribers! Pay attention to each part of this article…as it flushes out everything that you always need to be thinking about in your business as you grow!

Note From The Team: Are you getting excited yet? We just showed you how to start writing posts on your newsletter business website! That means that the next article takes everything you need to know to the next level! Are you ready? Let’s do it!

Article #11 (Below): This article is probably one of the most important articles linked on this page, because it is dedicated to helping you start your newsletter on the right foot with the website content you publish to your newsletter business website. Make sure that you catch every golden nugget covered in this article as it will influence a lot of your activity in the future on your website, and inside of your newsletter business!

Note From The Team: Can you see why knowing how to write pillar content on your newsletter business website is so valuable. Think about everything you have read on our website up to this point, and the impact it has had on you. Not to point it out to you but…IT was all done on purpose to get you here to consume this specific series of articles on this page, so you can execute everything quickly and efficiently! Keep going, you are doing great!

Article #12 (Below): This article addresses the fact that having a “Start Here” page is a very smart thing to have on your newsletter business website. Take in everything from this article, and then figure out how you want to execute a “Start Here” page on your website!

Note From The Team: Remember how you got to this page to read the content we created for you? That’s right…you started on our “Start Here” page. See how powerful this “Start Here” page is for your newsletter business?

Article #13 (Below): This article addresses the 3 other important pages that need to be added to your newsletter business website to make it be effective in accomplishing your goals as a newsletter business owner.

Note From The Team: Simply put, don’t ignore the creation of these other pages on your newsletter business website! Having these pages is crucial for the future success of your newsletter business.

Article #14 (Below): This article helps you figure out everything that you need to figure out before you write and publish your first newsletter for your newsletter business website! You want to make sure that you have at least one newsletter published on your website before you launch because you never have a second chance to make a first impression!

Note From The Team: Wow…the fact that you have gotten all the way here is an amazing accomplishment! Keep it up, you are almost ready to set things up to launch your newsletter business into the marketplace!

Article #15 (Below): This article will walk you through the process of launching your newsletter into the marketplace. Read this article, execute what needs to be done for your newsletter, and ignore the rest. Then focus on absolutely crushing your launch day (and week) like we know you can!

Note From The Team: Hey rockstar…congratulations on executing a launch day, and launch week that you can always be proud of! Now the real work begins as you continue to take the action you need, so that you can take your little newsletter, and grow it into something that impacts a lot of people in a positive way.

Article #16 (Below): This article assumes that you had a successful launch day and launch week, and then gives you the guidance to keep things moving in the best way possible for the future of your business. If a current newsletter business owner comes across this article in the future, they will also get value from it if they are challenged with what to focus on next.

Note From The Team: Now the real work begins! Are you ready? Put your head down, keep moving forward, and make it happen! Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you are more than capable of creating the success that you are seeking given the fact you worked your way through this entire page of content from beginning to end!

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